IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Internet Protocol Next Generation (IP V6)

This chapter describes Internet Protocol Next Generation (IP V6) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.001 q ovrf source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPV6.001 Queue overflow on packet from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address from net network ID

Description: This message is generated when the forwarder must discard a packet that was not forwarded via the IPV6 cache because of an input queue overflow. Note that this event does not get counted in ELS, it is instead counted in the IPV6 console. The counters (kept per input network) can be read using the IPV6>COUNTERS command.

Cause: Input queue overflows happen when a packet is received from an interface that is short on buffers, the destination is not in the IPV6 cache, and the length of the IP queue is greater than the fair share. This may be caused by either a burst or steady state of traffic arriving faster than the IPV6 forwarder can forward it.

Action: Reduce traffic bursts. Upgrade to a faster router.

Cause: Excessive IPV6 routing cache misses, causing most IPV6 packets to go through the cache miss forwarder.

Action: Increase the size of the IPV6 cache.



Short Syntax: IPV6.002 not V6 hdr version_number nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPV6.002 Not version 6 header ( version_number) in packet from net network ID

Description: This message is generated when a packet has an incorrect version number.

Cause: Most likely, this packet was damaged since there should be no other versions of IP packets received in the IPV6 forwarder.

Action: If the problem persists, examine a line trace to determine where the packet is being damaged.



Short Syntax: IPV6.003 shrt hdr packet_length_just_header pkt ln packet_length nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPV6.003 Packet too short ( packet_length_just_header bytes) in packet_length byte packet from net network ID

Description: This message is generated when a packet's indicated length is below the minimum possible length (less than the size of and IPV6 header).

Cause: Most likely, this is a damaged packet. It may be that another node is building an incorrect header.

Action: If the problem persists, examine a line trace to determine where the packet is being damaged.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.004 pkt source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address dsc, mcst src addr

Long Syntax: IPV6.004 Invalid source IP6 address (multcast or anycast) source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address; packet discarded

Description: This message is generated when a packet is discarded because of invalid source IPV6 address.



Short Syntax: IPV6.005 pkt trunc specified_length pkt ln true_length source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.005 Packet len too short: IP len specified_length bytes Buffer len true_length bytes, from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address; packet discard

Description: This message is generated when the packet length specified in the header is greater than the packet buffer length.

Cause: Packet corruption in transit.

Action: If problem persists, check networks and routers.

Cause: Programming error in remote note.



Short Syntax: IPV6.006 pkt source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address dsc rsn reason_code, nt Network ID

Long Syntax: IPV6.006 Packet from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address discarded for reason reason_code, network Network ID

Description: An attempt was made to send the packet on the specified network, but it was not accepted for transmission on that network. The reason_code indicates why the packet was not accepted. If the reason was overflow the packet will be discarded. Other reason codes will cause an ICMP destination unreachable message to be sent.

Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)

Action: Check for error messages from handler for network_name.

Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)

Action: Alleviate congestion.

Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)

Action: See why handler thinks network is down.

Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)

Action: Check configuration.

Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)

Action: See why handler thinks host is down.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.007 source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address next_header location

Long Syntax: IPV6.007 Accepting packet from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address next header next_header at location

Description: This message is generated for each packet which has passed first-level reasonableness checks.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.008 no rte source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address dsc

Long Syntax: IPV6.008 No route for packet from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address; packet discarded

Description: This message is generated when a packet is discarded because there is no route to the destination.



Short Syntax: IPV6.009 hop limit zero source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.009 Hop limit reaches zero from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address

Description: This message is generated when a packet is discarded because hop limit reaches zero.

Cause: The packet has been through more routers than the initial value placed in the hop limit field of the IPV6 header by the originator. Many older systems use values of 15 or 30, which are not standard-conformant, and are often too small for current networks.

Action: Increase initial hop limit value.

Cause: The packet was in a routing loop, going through a sequence of routers over and over until the hop limit reaches zero.

Action: Check the routing from the source of the packet to the destination, and see that there are no loops. However, temporary loops are an inevitable result of the timing out of routes in some routing protocols.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.010 dsc pkt source_IPV6_address -> destination_IPV6_address, dst lnk-lcl addr not ours, nt Network ID

Long Syntax: IPV6.010 Discarded packet from source_IPV6_address for destination_IPV6_address net Network ID

Description: This message is generated when receiving a packet with destination address is a link local address that does not match this interface's link local address.

Cause: Problem at the sender of this packet.

Action: Check the sender of this packet.


Level: C-INFO

Level: PARAM

Short Syntax: IPV6.011 unsup mcst source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.011 Unsupported multicast from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address

Description: This message is generated when an unsupported multicast packet is received.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.012 Disc. pkt source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address nhd nextheader

Long Syntax: IPV6.012 Packet from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address discarded for protocol nextheader

Description: The received packet has zero source address. It will be discarded.

Cause: Upper protocol sends out a packet with zero source address

Action: Trace down this culprit by looking at the protocol header to try and identify the source of the packet.


Level: C-INFO

Level: PARAM

Short Syntax: IPV6.013 unsup bcst/link local address source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.013 Unsupported broadcast or link local address from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address

Description: This message is generated when an unsupported broadcast or link local packet is received.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.014 Acc cont # record_number, packet_status, from source_ip_address -> destination_ip_address, dir direction, net networkID

Long Syntax: IPV6.014 Access control number record_number matched, packet_status, packet from source_ip_address to destination_ip_address, direction direction, net networkID

Description: This message is generated when a IPv6 packet matches one of the access control entries. The packet may be forwarded or dropped depend on the filter rule. The record_number is the number of the access control record matched.



Short Syntax: IPV6.015 rtg hdr ind but not fnd, source_address -> destination_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.015 A packet was received that indicates a routing header is present, but was not found from source_address to destination_address

Description: This message is generated when a packet is being processed that indicates a routing header is present, but was not found.

Action: Contact customer service.



Short Syntax: IPV6.016 can't get memory for frag, source_address -> destination_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.016 Can't get memory for fragmenting a packet from source_address to destination_address, packet discarded

Description: This message is generated when a packet is being processed for fragmentation but there is not enough memory available to complete the processing.

Cause: Not enough memory to support this configuration and traffic.

Action: Check memory statistics in GWCON to verify packet memory level. Upgrade for more memory or disable unnecessary forwarders/protocols to get more memory.



Level: PARAM

Short Syntax: IPV6.017 nt network_address add fail, tbl ovrfl

Long Syntax: IPV6.017 Add failed for net network_address; routing table overflow

Description: This message is generated when a network cannot be added to the routing table because the table is full.

Cause: The IPV6 routing table contains the maximum number of entries.

Action: See if the system administrator can reduce the table size by subnetworking.



Level: PARAM

Short Syntax: IPV6.018 nt network_address add fail, bd nt

Long Syntax: IPV6.018 Add failed for net network_address; bad network number

Description: This message is generated when a network cannot be added to the routing table because of a bad network number.

Cause: This software considers the net above to be invalid.

Action: If the net is valid, contact customer service.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.019 re-add stat rt to network

Long Syntax: IPV6.019 Re-adding static route to net network

Description: This message is generated when a static route to a network is brought back into use.



Level: PARAM

Short Syntax: IPV6.020 int for network add fail, dup addr

Long Syntax: IPV6.020 Add of interface for net network failed; duplicate address

Description: This message is generated when a network cannot be added to the routing table because the access was denied.

Cause: There are multiple interface addresses configured which access the same network. The software only allows one.

Action: Reconfigure such that interface addresses and prefix lengths define unique networks.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.021 pkt rcvd with no nxt hdr source_address -> destination_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.021 A packet was received that contains a No Next Header from source_address -> destination_address

Description: This message is generated when a No Next Header is found in the received packet. The packet will be dropped.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.022 add nt net_ipv6_address int int_ipv6_address nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPV6.022 Added network net_ipv6_address to interface int_ipv6_address on net network ID

Description: This message is generated when a new directly-connected network is added to the routing table.



Short Syntax: IPV6.023 mltcst addr fnd in rtng hdr info from source_address to destination_address, next_hop

Long Syntax: IPV6.023 A multi-cast address was found in the routing header information from source_address to destination_address, next hop is next_hop

Description: This message is generated when a multi-cast address if found either in the routing header next hop information or the destination address field of the packet with a routing header. This packet will be dropped and an ICMP error message will be generated.

Action: Contact customer service for the machine that was the source of the packet.



Short Syntax: IPV6.024 ign stat rt to network, masksize mask

Long Syntax: IPV6.024 Ignoring bad static route/filter to network, masksize mask

Description: This message is generated when a bad static route or IPV6 filter is encountered.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.025 add nt network rt via network nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPV6.025 Added network network with route via network on net network ID

Description: This message is generated when a new indirectly-connected network is added to the routing table.



Short Syntax: IPV6.026 hop-by-hop options fnd not imm after IPV6 hdr source_address -> destination_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.026 A Hop-by-Hop Options header was found not immediately following the IPV6 header from source_address to destination_address

Description: This message is generated when a Hop-by-Hop Options Header is found that does not immediately follow the IPV6 header, which is a violation of the IPV6 architecture. This packet will be dropped and an ICMP error message will be generated.

Action: Contact customer service for the machine that was the source of the packet.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.027 pkt type type code code source_ipv4_address -> destination_ipv4_address unable to gen icmpv6 pkt

Long Syntax: IPV6.027 Insufficent data in the ICMPV4 packet received from the IPV6 over IPV4 tunnel (type type code code from source_ipv4_address to destination_ipv4_address) to build an ICMPV6 packet back to the original source.

Description: This message is generated when an ICMPV4 message is received from the tunnel and the router that generated this message did not include enough of the packet in error to retrieve the original IPV6 source address. This ICMPV4 packet will be dropped.

Action: Turn on IPV4 ICMP messages to determine the error being generated in the IPV4 network.



Short Syntax: IPV6.028 unhndled icmpv4 pkt rcv'd type type code code source_ipv4_address -> destination_ipv4_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.028 An ICMPV4 packet has been received from the IPV6 over IPV4 tunnel that is not understood/handled by the router, type type, code code, from source_ipv4_address to destination_ipv4_address

Description: This message is generated when the software receives an ICMP message from the IPV4 network that is not understood.

Action: Contact customer service.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.029 pkt ip4src -> ip4dest, ip6src -> ip6dest rcvd on tuntype tun( tunint)

Long Syntax: IPV6.029 Packet from IPv4 ip4src to ip4dest, IPv6 ip6src to ip6dest was received on tuntype tunnel(interface tunint)

Description: An IPv6 packet, encapsulated in an IPv4 header, has been received on the specified tunnel interface.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.030 source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address tnled over source_ipv4_address -> destination_ipv4_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.030 Forwarding packet from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address over tunnel source_ipv4_address to destination_ipv4_address

Description: This message is generated for each packet that is ready to be forwarded into the IPV6 over IPV4 tunnel.



Short Syntax: IPV6.031 Unnum addr rej, nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPV6.031 Unnumbered address rejected, net network ID

Description: An attempt has been made to configure an interface as unnumbered, yet either the interface is not a serial line or the interface already has been assigned an IPV6 address. The unnumbered configuration request is ignored.



Short Syntax: IPV6.032 fq ovf source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPV6.032 Fragment queue overflow from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address on net network ID

Description: This message is generated when an incoming fragment is discarded because the fragment queue overflowed.



Short Syntax: IPV6.033 reas pkt too big ( packet_size byt), frm source_ipv6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.033 Re-assembled packet too large ( packet_size bytes); from source_ipv6_address

Description: This message is generated when a new packet being reassembled would exceed the maximum size allowed for fragmentation (65535 bytes). The packet_size is how large the packet would be after adding this fragment, which may not be the last.



Short Syntax: IPV6.034 bd frg source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address foff offset

Long Syntax: IPV6.034 Bad fragment from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address with fragment offset offset

Description: This message is generated when an incoming packet fragment has a length that is not a multiple of 8 bytes and the More bit in the fragment header is set to 1.



Short Syntax: IPV6.035 cant alloc for frg nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPV6.035 Cannot allocate buffer for fragment for net network ID

Description: This message is generated when no buffer is available to fragment a packet.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.036 rcv pkt nxt hdr next_header frm source_ipv6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.036 Received packet with next header next_header from source_ipv6_address

Description: This message is generated for each packet destined for the router.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.037 brd pkt source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address prot protocol no srvr

Long Syntax: IPV6.037 Broadcast packet from source_ipv6_address, for destination_ipv6_address, protocol protocol; no server

Description: This message is generated when a broadcast packet arrives for an unknown protocol.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.038 pkt source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address prt protocol no srvr

Long Syntax: IPV6.038 Packet from source_ipv6_address, for destination_ipv6_address, protocol protocol; no server

Description: This message is generated when a packet arrives for an unknown protocol. The packet was destined for the router.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.039 pkt size = packet_size needs frag, tnl tunnel_addr, frag frag_state

Long Syntax: IPV6.039 A packet_size byte IPV6 packet will be fragmented over an IPV4 tunnel tunnel_addr with a configured fragmentation of frag_state

Description: This message is generated when an IPV6 packet is being tunneled that requires fragmentation. If fragmentation is enabled or the tunnel MTU is less than or equal to 1300 bytes, the DNF bit will not be set and fragmentation might occur in the tunnel. If fragmentation is not allowed and the tunnel MTU is greater than 1300 bytes, a Packet Too Big message will be generated back to the IPV6 source and the packet will be dropped.



Short Syntax: IPV6.040 Tnl endpnts not found for ipsrc-> ipdest

Long Syntax: IPV6.040 Tunnel endpoints were not found in table for IPv4 source address ipsrc and dest address ipdest

Description: This message is generated when the IPV6 over IPV4 tunneling code receives an encapsulated IPv6 packet and cannot determine which configured tunnel the packet arrived over.

Action: Check network's tunnel configuration parameters to verify that the IPv4 source and destination addresses are consistent at each endpoint.



Short Syntax: IPV6.041 rs ovfl, frm source_ipv6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.041 Too many re-assembly buffers active; from source_ipv6_address

Description: This message is generated when a new packet needs re-assembly but the maximum number of re-assembly buffers has already been assigned.

Cause: The software is attempting to reassemble more fragmented datagrams than it can handle simultaneously. This is acceptable on occasion.

Action: If this occurs frequently, attempt to reduce fragmentation by changing MSS at the source, or contact customer service.



Short Syntax: IPV6.042 no stor for rs, frm source_ipv6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.042 Insufficient storage for packet re-assembly; from source_ipv6_address

Description: This message is generated when a new packet needs re-assembly but there is not enough storage to allocate a re-assembly buffer.

Cause: Not enough memory to support this configuration and traffic.

Action: Check memory statistics in GWCON to verify packet buffer level. Upgrade for more memory, or disable unnecesary forwarders/protocols or get more memory.



Short Syntax: IPV6.043 reas pkt too big ( packet_size byt), frm source_ipv6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.043 Re-assembled packet too large ( packet_size bytes); from source_ipv6_address

Description: This message is generated when a new packet needs re-assembly but it is larger than the maximum size re-assembly buffer. The packet_size is how large the packet would be after adding this fragment, which may not be the last.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.044 rs TTL exp, frm source_ipv6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.044 Re-assembly TTL expired; from source_ipv6_address

Description: This message is generated when a packet being re-assembled has its time-to-live expire.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.045 rs free, frm source_ipv6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.045 Re-assembly buffer free; from source_ipv6_address

Description: This message is generated when a re-assembly buffer is de-allocated.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.046 del nt network rt via gateway nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPV6.046 Deleted net network route via gateway net network ID

Description: This message is generated when a network goes down.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.047 sbnt network dfnd

Long Syntax: IPV6.047 Subnet network defined

Description: This message is generated when a new subnetted network is defined.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.048 del sbntd nt network

Long Syntax: IPV6.048 Deleting subnetted network network

Description: This message is generated when a subnetted network is deleted. This happens when there are no longer any interfaces to that network.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.049 add lcl pkt to ipv6 op q

Long Syntax: IPV6.049 Added locally generated packet to IPV6 output queue

Description: This message is generated whenever a locally generated packet is put on the IPV6 output queue.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.050 rcvd IPV6 frg frm source_IPV6_address, frg id frag_id, frg off frag_off

Long Syntax: IPV6.050 Received IPV6 fragment from source_IPV6_address, fragment id frag_id, fragment offset frag_off

Description: This message is generated when an IPV6 fragment requiring re-assembly is received.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.051 rasmd pkt frm source_IPV6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.051 Successfully re-assembled packet from source_IPV6_address

Description: This message is generated when an IPV6 packet has been successfully re-assembled.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.052 frg pkt source_IPV6_address -> destination_IPV6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.052 Packet from source_IPV6_address for destination_IPV6_address requires fragmentation

Description: This message is generated when an IPV6 packet needs to be fragmented for transmission.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.053 add frg to op frg q source_IPV6_address -> destination_IPV6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.053 Added fragment to output fragment queue from source_IPV6_address for destination_IPV6_address

Description: This message is generated when an IPV6 packet fragment is put on the output fragment queue.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.054 dsc pkt source_IPV6_address -> destination_IPV6_address nt Network ID no IPV6 on int

Long Syntax: IPV6.054 Discarded packet from source_IPV6_address for destination_IPV6_address net Network ID, no IPV6 on interface

Description: This message is generated by the stub IPV6 forwarder for each packet which is received on an interface for which IPV6 is not enabled.



Short Syntax: IPV6.055 RIP6 disabld on int interface_IPV6_address var len sbnt msks

Long Syntax: IPV6.055 RIP6 disabled on interface_IPV6_address variable length subnet masks

Description: The router is configured with variable length subnet masks on the same network, which RIP can't handle. Thus RIP6 is disabled on the interface.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.056 routing cache cleared for IPV6

Long Syntax: IPV6.056 routing cache cleared for IPV6

Description: The IPV6 routing cache has been cleared, probably as the result of a routing table change.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.057 routing cache garbage collecting for IPV6

Long Syntax: IPV6.057 Routing cache garbage collecting for IPV6.

Description: The IPV6 routing cache is collecting nonsense data. This takes several passes, and is only done when the cache starts overflowing.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.058 cache entry IPV6_destination cleared

Long Syntax: IPV6.058 routing cache entry for destination IPV6_destination cleared

Description: The IPV6 routing cache entry for the listed destination has been cleared.



Short Syntax: IPV6.059 LL broadcast source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address, discarded

Long Syntax: IPV6.059 Received link level broadcast from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address, discarded

Description: This message is generated when an attempt is made to forward an IPV6 packet that was received as a link level broadcast/multicast. Such packets are not forwarded, and are discarded without even sending back an ICMP message to the source.



Short Syntax: IPV6.060 can't copy source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address, discarded

Long Syntax: IPV6.060 Can't copy packet from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address, discarded

Description: This message is generated when an attempt is made to copy a packet for one of the router's internal applications (e.g., during multicast forwarding), and the router is unable to get a buffer. The requested service then fails.

Cause: Not enough memory to support this configuration and traffic.

Action: Check memory statistics in GWCON to verify packet buffer level. Upgrade for more memory, or disable unnecesary forwarders/protocols or get more memory.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.061 Acc cont miss dropped, source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address, dir direction, autotunnnet networkID

Long Syntax: IPV6.061 Access control miss dropped, packet from source_ipv6_address to destination_ipv6_address, direction direction, autotunnnet networkID

Description: This message is generated when a IPV6 packet matches none of the access control records. The packet will be dropped.



Short Syntax: IPV6.062 IPV6 ds nt rn on nettype/ n_net

Long Syntax: IPV6.062 IPV6 protocol does not run over nettype/ n_net

Description: An IPV6 address was configured for a type of network which currently doesn't support IPV6.



Short Syntax: IPV6.063 shrt pkt ln packet_length, source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.063 IPV6 length of packet_length in packet from source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address is too short

Description: This message is generated when a packet's length in the IPV6 header is below less than the length indicated in the recieve The packet is discarded.

Cause: Most likely, this packet has been incorrectly formatted by the source.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.064 Acc cont # record_number dropped, cache_status, source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address, dir direction, autotunnnet networkID

Long Syntax: IPV6.064 Access control number record_number dropped, cache_status, packet from source_ipv6_address to destination_ipv6_address, direction direction, autotunnnet networkID

Description: This message is generated when a IPV6 packet matches one of the exclusive access control entries. The packet will be dropped. The record_number is the number of the access control record matched, or zero for no record (end-of-list). The cache_status will be ''cache-hit'' or ``cache-miss''.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.065 Acc cont # record_number passed, cache_status, source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address, dir direction, autotunnnet networkID

Long Syntax: IPV6.065 Access control number record_number passed, cache_status, packet from source_ipv6_address to destination_ipv6_address, direction direction, autotunnnet networkID

Description: This message is generated when a IPV6 packet matches one of the inclusive access control entries. The packet may be forwarded. The record_number is the number of the access control record matched. The cache_status will be ''cache-hit'' or ``cache-miss''.



Short Syntax: IPV6.066 LinkAddr source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address, discarded

Long Syntax: IPV6.066 Received link local address from source_ipv6_address for destination_ipv6_address, discarded

Description: Router never relays an IPV6 with either link local source or dest. address


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.067 Route destination_ip_address/ mask status

Long Syntax: IPV6.067 Route for destination_ip_address with mask mask status

Description: The route has been filtered from the IP route table or installed as a hidden route due to route table filtering policy.



Short Syntax: IPV6.068 mtu < 1280 for nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPV6.068 The MTU is less than 1280 bytes for net network ID

Description: The net has an MTU that is less than the minimum required to run IPV6 (1280 bytes).

Action: Correct the configuration of this net to make the MTU at least 1280 bytes or do not configure IPV6 on this net.



Short Syntax: IPV6.069 tnl tunnel_id, int interface is not IP64

Long Syntax: IPV6.069 Tunnel tunnel_id has a virtual interface interface which is not an IP64 tunnel

Description: The configured tunnel is pointing to an interface which is not an IP64 tunnel. This is caused by loading a prior release on the box with an IP64 tunnel interface defined. This tunnel will not be installed.

Action: Delete the tunnel definition. Then re-configure the tunnel.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.070 Trace IPV6 datagram.

Long Syntax: IPV6.070 Trace IPV6 datagram.

Description: IPV6 datagram tracing.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.071 Trace in IPV6 datagram at DLC.

Long Syntax: IPV6.071 Trace incoming IPV6 datagram at DLC.

Description: Incoming IPV6 datagram DLC tracing.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.072 Acc cont # record_number dropped, cache_status, source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address, sport port dport -> direction, dir autotunn, networkIDnet

Long Syntax: IPV6.072 Access control number record_number dropped, cache_status, packet from source_ipv6_address to destination_ipv6_address, sport port dport -> direction, direction autotunn, networkIDnet

Description: This message is generated when a IPV6 packet matches one of the exclusive access control entries. The packet will be dropped. The record_number is the number of the access control record matched, or zero for no record (end-of-list). The cache_status will be ''cache-hit'' or ``cache-miss''.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPV6.073 Acc cont # record_number passed, cache_status, source_ipv6_address -> destination_ipv6_address, sport port dport -> direction, dir autotunn, networkIDnet

Long Syntax: IPV6.073 Access control number record_number passed, cache_status, packet from source_ipv6_address to destination_ipv6_address, sport port dport -> direction, direction autotunn, networkIDnet

Description: This message is generated when a IPV6 packet matches one of the inclusive access control entries. The packet may be forwarded. The record_number is the number of the access control record matched. The cache_status will be ''cache-hit'' or ``cache-miss''.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.074 pkt ip4src -> ip4dest, ip6src -> ip6dest dsc on tun( tunint): reason

Long Syntax: IPV6.074 Packet from IPv4 ip4src to ip4dest, IPv6 ip6src to ip6dest was discarded on tunnel(interface tunint): reason

Description: An IPv6 packet, encapsulated in an IPv4 header, has been discarded on the specified tunnel interface for the specified reason.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPV6.075 bad rtr alert ( rtr_alrt) from source_ipv6_address

Long Syntax: IPV6.075 An unknown router alert ( rtr_alrt) was received from source_ipv6_address; option skipped

Description: This message is generated when a packet is received with an unknown router alert value.

Panic in6initnomem 

Short Syntax: IPV6: no mem for init

Description: The router ran out of memory during IPV6 initialization.

Action: Add memory, or reconfigure to reduce memory usage (for example, reduce the size of the IPV6 routing table, or reduce the number of IPV6 addresses).

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